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Wydawnictwo Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN | KsiegarniaIPN.pl

Organizacja Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów - okładka książki
praca zbiorowa

Organizacja Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów w Polsce w latach 1944-1950. Likwidacja struktur kierowniczych Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in Poland between 1944 and 1950. Liquidation of management structures

Book. Year of publication: 2017; ISBN: 978-83-8098-349-6; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
Language:українська моваpolski;
The book was prepared by employees of the Institute of National Remembrance, the Security Service of Ukraine, and the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It includes documents regarding...
100.00 PLN

Wielki terror: Operacja Polska - okładka książki
praca zbiorowa

Wielki terror: Operacja Polska 1937-1938. Tom 8 cz. 1 i 2

Book. Year of publication: 2010; ISBN: 9788376291468; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
Language:українська моваpolski;
Książka ta została przygotowana przez pracowników Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, Służby Bezpieczeństwa Ukrainy oraz Instytutu Badań Politycznych i Narodowościowych Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy. Opublikowano w niej dokumenty dotyczące fragmentu...

Rozkaz nr 001353. Operacja proskrypcyjna - okładka książki
praca zbiorowa

Rozkaz nr 001353. Operacja proskrypcyjna NKWD 1939-1941. Nieznane dokumenty z archiwów służb specjalnych. Seria: Polska i Ukraina w latach trzydziestych – czterdziestych XX wieku. Tom 10 Order No. 001353. Proscription operation of the NKVD 1939-1941. Unknown documents from the archives of the secret service. Poland and Ukraine in the 1930s and 1940s. Volume 10

Book. Year of publication: 2020; ISBN: 9788382290592; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
Language:українська моваpolski;
The book was prepared by employees of the Institute of National Remembrance, the Security Service of Ukraine, and the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It includes documents regarding...
50.00 PLN

Ukradzione dzieciństwo. Stolen - okładka książki

Ukradzione dzieciństwo. Stolen Childhood

Book. Year of publication: 2022; ISBN: 978-83-8229-535-1; Cover: soft;
Category: Books / History / German Death Camps;
The album pays tribute to the most vulnerable victims of the Second World War in Poland: children. Among the approximately 6 million Polish citizens who perished between 1939 and 1945, a third were children. They were subjected to the same...
59.00 PLN

The risk of survival. Wspólny los - okładka książki

The risk of survival. Wspólny los The risk of survival. Common fate

Book. Year of publication: 2009; ISBN: 9788376290287; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The author synthetically presents the fate of Poles and Jews in Poland occupied by the Germans during World War II. It focuses on the help that Poles provided to Jews during the Holocaust. It shows the efforts of the Polish Underground State and...
15.00 PLN

Wasza Solidarność - nasza wolność. - okładka książki

Wasza Solidarność - nasza wolność. Reakcje emigracji polskiej i świata na wprowadzenie stanu wojennego 13 grudnia 1981 (grudzień 1981 - styczeń 1982) Your Solidarity - Our Liberty. Reactions of Polish emigrants and the world to the imposition of martial law on 13 December 1981 (December 1981 - January 1982)

Book. Year of publication: 2017; ISBN: 978-83-8098-286-4;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
From the summer of 1980, Poland experienced a previously unimaginable time of euphoria. In the autumn of 1980, NSZZ “Solidarność” was registered - it was the first independent trade union movement since the end of World War II. Martial law...

Propaganda w PRL i NRD / Propaganda - okładka książki

Propaganda w PRL i NRD / Propaganda in der Volksrepublik Polen. Tematy, instytucje, kampanie / Themen, Institutionen, Kampagnen Propaganda in the Polish People’s Republic and the GDR

Book. Year of publication: 2019; ISBN: 9788380987654; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The bilingual volume of studies is the result of a scientific conference organised by the Institute of National Remembrance and the Institute of Germanic Philology of the University of Wrocław, entitled Propaganda in the Polish People’s Republic...
40.00 PLN

Sowiecki aparat represji wobec - okładka książki

Sowiecki aparat represji wobec podziemia litewskiego i polskiego 1944-1945. Seria: Polska i Litwa w XX wieku. Dokumenty z archiwów służb specjalnych. Tom 1 The Soviet apparatus of repression against the Lithuanian and Polish underground between 1944 and 1945. Poland and Lithuania in the 20th century. Documents from the archives of the secret service. Volume 1

Book. Year of publication: 2016; ISBN: 978-83-8098-068-6;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The publication contains 76 NKGB-NKVD documents regarding the fight against the Polish and Lithuanian underground (translated from Russian into Lithuanian and Polish), the annex contains 10 documents produced by the Polish and Lithuanian underground...
50.00 PLN

Be emociju. Lenku ir lietuviu dialogas - okładka książki

Be emociju. Lenku ir lietuviu dialogas apie Józefą Piłsudski

Book. Year of publication: 2021; ISBN: 978-83-8229-113-1; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
Knygoje publikuojama 16 tekstij bei astuoniu lenku ir lietuviu istorikq debatu jraso stenograma. Studiju ir straipsniu temos pirmiausia susijusios su jvairials Jbzefo Pitsudskio biografijos...
40.00 PLN

Esuli senza patria... Dalla Polonia - okładka książki

Esuli senza patria... Dalla Polonia all Italia: il cammino di guerra del capitano Władysław Drelicharz (1913–1944)

Book. Year of publication: 2024; ISBN: 978-83-8229-988-5; Cover: soft;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
“ Wciąż szukamy Ojczyzny zgubionej w wrześniowych chmurach...” Wojennym szlakiem majora Władysława Drelicharza (1913–1944) [ “We still look for our Homeland, lost in the September clouds…” On the wartime trail of Maj....
60.00 PLN

Montecassino 1944. La battaglia - okładka książki

Montecassino 1944. La battaglia delle dieci armate

Book. Year of publication: 2024; ISBN: 978-83-8376-000-1; Cover: soft;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The Battle of Monte Cassino – part of the German fortifications called the Gustav Line – was one of the fiercest battles of World War II. From January 1944, over five months, the American, British, French, Moroccan, Algerian, New Zealand...
25.00 PLN

Esuli senza patria... Dalla Polonia - okładka książki

Esuli senza patria... Dalla Polonia all’Italia: il cammino di guerra del capitano Władysław Drelicharz

E-book. Year of publication: 2024;
Il protagonista di questo libro, il cap. Władysław Drelicharz (1913-1944), era un ufficiale del II Corpo Polacco. Fu uno di questi “soldati-esuli” che i venti di guerra portarono, attraverso il Nordafrica e il Medio Oriente, ai campi di...
45.00 PLN

Opozycja studencka w Polsce i na - okładka książki

Opozycja studencka w Polsce i na Węgrzech w latach 1956-1989. Wybrane zagadnienia / Egyetemista ellenzéki mozgalmak Lengyelországban és Magyarországon 1956–1989 között. Kiemelt témakörök Student opposition in Poland and Hungary between 1956 and 1989. Selected Issues

Book. Year of publication: 2023; ISBN: 978-83-8229-661-7;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
Publication as part of the Central Research Project “Solidarity” and social resistance 1956-1989 Publishing Series of the IPN Branch in Kraków The book is devoted to selected issues related to the history of student opposition activities in...
35.00 PLN

Witold Pilecki lovassági kapitany - okładka książki

Witold Pilecki lovassági kapitany 1901–1948

Book. Year of publication: 2023; ISBN: 9788382298574; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The Polish-English version of the album was also published in Hungarian. The album is an illustrative presentation of Witold Pilecki’s achievements. Contains, among others: previously unpublished photos from the rittmaster’s family collection....
59.00 PLN

Witold Pilecki lovassági kapitány - okładka książki

Witold Pilecki lovassági kapitány 1901-1948

Book. Year of publication: 2023; ISBN: 9788382298574; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / History / Polish History;
The second edition of the album concerning the personality of Rotamaster Witold Pilecki, in a fresh graphic design. The album includes previously unpublished photographs from Pilecki s family collection. The album depicts the life of Witold...
59.00 PLN

Pod skrzydłami Rzeczypospolitej. - okładka książki

Pod skrzydłami Rzeczypospolitej. Emigracja gruzińska w Polsce 1921-1939 Under the wings of the Republic of Poland. Georgian emigration in Poland 1921-1939

Book. Year of publication: 2019; ISBN: 978-83-8098-594-0; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
Language:ქართული ენაpolski;
We hereby present to our readers an album presenting the life of Georgians in pre-war Poland. An outline of the history of the Georgians, the routes, reasons for their arrival in Poland and life in Poland is described in the introduction by the...
59.00 PLN

Aby utrzymać porządek. Raporty - okładka książki

Aby utrzymać porządek. Raporty wojsk francuskich z okresu II powstania śląskiego (lipiec-wrzesień 1920 roku) To keep order. Reports of French troops from the period of the Second Silesian Uprising (July-September 1920)

Book. Year of publication: 2020; ISBN: 9788382290042; Cover: soft;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The publication contains 24 documents created in the summer of 1920 by French troops and representatives of the Inter-Allied Commission. They were created during the Second Silesian Uprising and concern the German riots of 17 August 1920 and...
35.00 PLN

Najbardziej tajemniczy kraj świata. - okładka książki

Najbardziej tajemniczy kraj świata. The Most Mysterious of Countries. Związek Sowiecki w fotografiach i tekstach Juliena H. Bryana 1930-1959 The Most Mysterious of Countries. The Soviet Union in the photographs and texts of Julien H. Bryan 1930-1959

Book. Year of publication: 2020; ISBN: 9788380989214; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The album contains a selection of J. Bryan’s photographs taken during his visits to the Soviet Union between 1930 and 1937, 1946 and 1947, and between 1956 and 1959, showing, among others, everyday life in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, and other cities,...
69.00 PLN

Piaszczyste drogi karpatczyków. - okładka książki

Piaszczyste drogi karpatczyków. Fotografie kpt. Karola Angermana z lat 1940‒1944/ Along the Sandy Trails with the Carpathian Riflemen. Photographs by Capt. Karol Angerman, 1940–1944

Book. Year of publication: 2019; ISBN: 978-83-8098-731-9; Cover: soft;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
The album is a presentation of previously unpublished photographs of Capt. Karol Angerman, documenting his and his comrades-in-arms’ combat trail from December 1940 to February 1944. Karol Angerman initially served with the Officers’ Legion...

Paterek 1939. Zbrodnia i pamięć/Crime - okładka książki

Paterek 1939. Zbrodnia i pamięć/Crime and memory

Book. Year of publication: 2018; ISBN: 9788380984325; Cover: hardcover;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
In 1939, mass executions of Polish civilians took place in Gdańsk Pomerania. One of the largest places of execution was the sandpit in Paterek near Nakło nad Notecią. At the beginning of the occupation, units of the German Selbstschutz...

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