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Original title of the book:

Żydzi Krakowa w dobie zagłady (ZAL/KL Plaszow)

Title translated: Cracow s Jews in the Holocaust Era (Zwangsarbeitslager - Konzentrationslager Plaszow).
Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2022
Cover: hardcover
Number of pages: 827 pages
EAN: 9788382296006
ISBN: 978-83-8229-600-6
Language: polski
60.00 PLN
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Book description:

The book shows a significant part of the Jewish history in Krakow under the German occupation, particularly in relation to the operation of the forced labour camp Plaszow, later transformed into a concentration camp. The Plaszow camp, where the inhabitants of the Kraków ghetto were forcibly transferred, was the important place of the Holocaust in German-occupied Poland, and the place of execution of Polish inmates of Gestapo prison in Kraków, and also detention facility for Polish victims of German repressions. The publication s documentary basis comprises abundant collections from the archives of the Institute of National Remembrance and the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, as well as from the National Archives in Krakow, the Krakow Museum, and electronic reproductions of accounts from the Yad Vashem Archives. As the original records of the camp and relevant German authorities have been preserved only fragmentarily, hundreds of volumes of post-war prosecution and court records, thousands of testimonies and accounts of persecuted individuals were used as source basis.