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Original title of the book:

Urząd do spraw Wyznań. Struktury, działalność, ludzie. Tom 2. Struktury administracji wyznaniowej i pierwsze lata działalności Urzędu ds. Wyznań w Polsce ludowej 1945–1956

Title translated: Office for Religious Affairs - structures, activities, people, Vol. 2: Structures of religious administration and the first years of operation of the Office for Religious Affairs in People’s Poland (1945–1956)
Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2021
Number of pages: 496 pages
EAN: 9788382292572
ISBN: 978-83-8229-257-2
Language: polski
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Book description:

The second volume of the publication Office for Religious Affairs - Structures, activities, people is another publication aimed at describing the structures, activities and employees of the religious apparatus of People’s Poland and selected aspects of its activities in the first decade of the communist system in Poland. Published as part of the IPN Central Research Project: “Communist authorities towards churches and religious associations in Poland 1944–1989”.

The publication consists of 16 texts concerning the title issue.

The book was written as part of the publishing series “Office for Religious Affairs: structures, activities, people” (scientific editor of the series Dr Rafał Łatka).