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Original title of the book:

Sowiecki aparat represji wobec podziemia litewskiego i polskiego 1944-1945. Seria: Polska i Litwa w XX wieku. Dokumenty z archiwów służb specjalnych. Tom 1

Title translated: The Soviet apparatus of repression against the Lithuanian and Polish underground between 1944 and 1945. Poland and Lithuania in the 20th century. Documents from the archives of the secret service. Volume 1
Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2016
Number of pages: 1056 pages
Dimensions: 170x240 mm
EAN: 9788380980686
ISBN: 978-83-8098-068-6
Language: lietuviųpolski
50.00 PLN
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Book description:

The publication contains 76 NKGB-NKVD documents regarding the fight against the Polish and Lithuanian underground (translated from Russian into Lithuanian and Polish), the annex contains 10 documents produced by the Polish and Lithuanian underground as well as reports, dispatches, notes, protocols, official correspondence and other documents regarding Soviet actions against the Polish and Lithuanian underground between 1944 and 1945.