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Original title of the book:

Relacje o pomocy udzielanej Żydom przez Polaków w latach 1939–1945. Tom 7. Trzecia Rzesza i ziemie polskie do niej wcielone

Title translated: Accounts of help provided to Jews by Poles in the years 1939–1945, Vol. 7: The Third Reich and the Polish lands incorporated into it
Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2023
Cover: hardcover
Number of pages: 368 pages
Dimensions: 170x250 mm
EAN: 9788382298505
ISBN: 978-83-8229-850-5
Language: polski
40.00 PLN
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Table of Contents - PDFIndex of Persons - PDF

Book description:

The book contains an edition of 116 documents from the resources of the Archives of the Institute of National Remembrance, regarding help provided to Jews by Poles in the Third Reich and the Polish lands incorporated into it.

Published as part of the IPN Central Research Project: “The History of Jews in Poland and Polish-Jewish Relations 1917-1990”.