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Original title of the book:

Polityka a media w Polsce w XX i XXI w. Wybrane zagadnienia

Title translated: Politics and the media in Poland in the 20th and 21st centuries. Selected issues
Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2023
Number of pages: 296 pages
EAN: 9788382297010
ISBN: 978-83-8229-701-0
Language: polski
35.00 PLN
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Book description:

The obvious link between the media and politics - although it has existed for a long time - has not been as widely reflected in the literature as it deserves. The presented volume looks at this link from different research perspectives, as the authors of the articles are representatives of a number of academic disciplines. The book is therefore interdisciplinary in nature. The authors sought to provide answers to the following questions, among others: how did the discussion on the creation of a new journalistic organisation come about What were the links between selected newspaper titles and politics in different historical periods How far did censorship interfere with the authors’ work and the work of publishers The publication demonstrates that research collaboration between scientists with different views and using different research methods can lead to common conclusions. An important issue in individual chapters is the dynamic development of the media and the noticeable increase in their importance in social life.

Published as part of the IPN Central Research Project: “Creators, journalists and academics against the communist authorities”.