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Original title of the book:

Po linii rewizjonizmu zachodnioniemieckiego. Aparat bezpieczeństwa i akcja antyrewizjonistyczna wobec ludności niemieckiej i rodzimej w Polsce

Title translated: The Question of the West-German revisionism. Communist Security Apparatus and Anti-revisionist Action towards German and Autochtonic Population of Poland, ed. by Sebastian Rosenbaum

Sebastian Rosenbaum

Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2020
Cover: soft
Number of pages: 152 pages
EAN: 9788380981935
ISBN: 978-83-8098-193-5
Language: polski
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Book description:

The focus of the book is the involvement of the security apparatus (UB/SB) in the anti-revisionist campaign (including actions against so called Western-German revisionism ) aimed at the German and so-called autochtonic population (inhabitants of Silesia, Pomerania and Prussia, pre-war German citizens seen as genuinely Polish ) in Poland during the 20th century, particularly in the Western and Northern Territories between the 1950s and 1970s.

This publication is part of the Institute of National Remembrance s central research project, which aims to examine the structures and methods employed by the security apparatus in Poland from 1944 to 1989.