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Original title of the book:

Opozycja studencka w Polsce i na Węgrzech w latach 1956-1989. Wybrane zagadnienia / Egyetemista ellenzéki mozgalmak Lengyelországban és Magyarországon 1956–1989 között. Kiemelt témakörök

Title translated: Student opposition in Poland and Hungary between 1956 and 1989. Selected Issues
Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2023
Number of pages: 247 pages
EAN: 9788382296617
ISBN: 978-83-8229-661-7
Language: hungarianpolski
35.00 PLN
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Book description:

Publication as part of the Central Research Project “Solidarity” and social resistance 1956-1989

Publishing Series of the IPN Branch in Kraków

The book is devoted to selected issues related to the history of student opposition activities in Poland and Hungary between 1944 and 1989. It contains eight articles written by Polish and Hungarian historians, presenting the activities of students in 1956, 1968 and during the formation of the opposition of the 1970s and 1980s. Particular attention was paid to Polish-Hungarian contacts.