Book description:
The album contains a selection of J. Bryan’s photographs taken during his visits to the Soviet Union between 1930 and 1937, 1946 and 1947, and between 1956 and 1959, showing, among others, everyday life in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, and other cities, in the countryside, and in the Caucasus and Siberia. It is complemented by Bryan’s texts devoted to his travels to the USSR and his experiences photographing and filming in that country: Przygody pośród syberyjskich pasterzy reniferów [Adventures Among the Reindeer People of Siberia], Jak zdobywam zdjęcia [How I Get Pictures], Gdybym miał to zrobić ponownie [If I Were to Do It Over Again.]. T. Stempowski in the article Sowiety nie czarno-białe. Fotografie i teksty z Kolekcji Juliena H. Bryana, 1930-1959 [The Soviets, Not Just Black and White. Photographs and Writings from the Collection of Julien H. Bryan, 1930-1959] analyses the role of photography in shaping the image of the USSR in the West and the photographic works of J. Bryan. The album is supplemented with a bibliography, a list of abbreviations, and a personal index.