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Original title of the book:

Gdy nieme groby przemawiają... Archiwum dr. Jana Zygmunta Robla, cz. 1-4 oraz Gdy nieme groby przemawiają... Spuścizna katyńska. KOMPLET

Title translated: When silent graves speak... The Archive of Dr Jan Zygmunt Robel, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Publisher: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, IPN
Year of publication: 2023
Cover: soft
Number of pages: 2290 pages
EAN: 9788382296921
ISBN: 978-83-8229-692-1
Language: polski
99.00 PLN
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Downloadable files:

Table of Contents cz. 1 - PDFTable of Contents cz. 2 - PDFTable of Contents cz. 3 - PDFTable of Contents cz. 4 - PDFTable of Contents - Spuścizna katyńska - PDF

Book description:

The published archive of Dr Jan Zygmunt Robel contains, among other things, diaries, notes, postcards, letters and other documents excavated from nameless graves in Katyń in 1943. This is an important testimony to the Soviet crime committed in the spring of 1940 against the elite of the Polish nation.