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ks. Piotr Górecki
IPN. ks. Piotr Górecki - Author | KsiegarniaIPN.pl
ks. Piotr Górecki, Sebastian Rosenbaum, Bogusław Tracz (red.)
Lecz ja wiem: wybawca mój żyje. Ksiądz Antoni Korczok (1891-1941). Życie, posługa, męczeństwo But I know: my saviour lives. Father Antoni Korczok (1891-1941). Life, ministry, martyrdom
Category: Books / Religion / Catholic Church / Church history;
A publication devoted to the figure of Father Antoni Korczok (1891-1941), parish priest from Gliwice-Sośnica, victim of the Dachau Concentration Camp, where he was imprisoned for criticising Nazism and providing pastoral care to Poles. Father...
35.00 PLN