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Krisztina Rotár

IPN. Krisztina Rotár - Author | KsiegarniaIPN.pl

Opozycja studencka w Polsce i na - okładka książki
Krisztina Rotár, Michał Wenklar (red.)

Opozycja studencka w Polsce i na Węgrzech w latach 1956-1989. Wybrane zagadnienia / Egyetemista ellenzéki mozgalmak Lengyelországban és Magyarországon 1956–1989 között. Kiemelt témakörök Student opposition in Poland and Hungary between 1956 and 1989. Selected Issues

Book. Year of publication: 2023; ISBN: 978-83-8229-661-7;
Category: Books / Books in English and Other Languages;
Publication as part of the Central Research Project “Solidarity” and social resistance 1956-1989 Publishing Series of the IPN Branch in Kraków The book is devoted to selected issues related to the history of student opposition activities in...
35.00 PLN